A Philadelphia father and two case workers were convicted Friday of sharing responsibility for the death of a disabled teen starved by her mother. Jurors deliberated for 7 hours before agreeing with prosecutors that Daniel Kelly Sr. could have prevented the death of his daughter, Danieal, 14, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. She weighed only 42 pounds when her body was found in 2006. Danieal's mother, Andrea Kelly, 42, is serving a 20-to-40-year sentence for third-degree murder. Prosecutors did not argue that her father killed her but said Kelly should not have left his daughter with a woman he knew was neglectful. Kelly faces as much as seven years for endangering the welfare of a child, Assistant District Attorney Edward McCann said. Dana Poindexter, 54, a former employee with the city Department of Human Services, was convicted of reckless endangerment, endangering a child and perjury for failing to investigate reports of neglect. He could be sentenced to eight to 16 years. Mickal Kamuvaka, 62, head of a company that contracted with the city to check on at-risk children, is already serving a 17 1/2-year federal sentence for fraud. She was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, child endangerment, conspiracy and other charges and could be sentenced to 25 years.