The number of people killed in the Sukhodilska-Vostochnaya Mine blast in Ukraine\'s Luhansk Region has reached 24, the Ukrainian Emergencies Ministry said on Saturday. \"As of 8:30 p.m. (16:30 GMT) July 30, 24 people have died, two have been injured, and two other miners are still missing,\" the ministry said. The blast occurred at the Sukhodilska-Vostochnaya Mine operated by Metinvest, Ukraine\'s largest steel producer, on Friday at 1:57 a.m. local time (22:57 GMT Friday). The mine\'s overall staff amounted to 28 miners. Mining accidents are frequent in Ukraine. In 2007, more than 100 miners died in a blast at a mine near Donetsk, in the east of the former Soviet republic.