Deputy IRGC Chief Brigadier said here Monday evening our defensive war today is in defense of our land, our beliefs, and our identity; enemies’ efforts in soft war are focused on corrupting our precious young generation. Brigadier General Sardar Hossein Salami who was speaking for a caravan of youth who was being dispatched to the former war fronts against the once invading armed forces of the ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain, added, “We must do all we can to safeguard the offspring of this land, who are the precious capitals of Iran, against the cultural onslaught of the west and its ongoing soft war invasion. The Deputy Islamic Republic Guard Corps commander added, “Many countries in the world are deprived of pride inspiring events and epical personalities and heroes, which is why they keep creating imaginary heroes who are faded with the passage of time. Brigadier Salami said, “The eight years of sacred defense (against the Saddam army) provided us with epical, divine, and believable real heroes and stories, that cannot be fully narrated even in millions of books and films, and such a great wealth needs to be painstakingly explored.” The Revolutionary Guards deputy chief said, “The enemies have taken to the scene their entire political, economic, military and even cultural means, and if we did not know our enemy well enough, we would have been terrified.” Brigadier Salami said that the enemy must be introduced to the young generation properly, adding, “During the eight years of the Imposed Iraqi war the Iranian nation was besieged by both the eastern and the western powers, and managed to stand tall mightily and leave behind that horrible test prestigiously.” He proposed that the experience of managing the war smoothly both at the fronts and behind them must be transferred to the next generations and visits of the former war fronts is a step in that direction.