Sex offender of Phillip Garrido got glowing reports from psychiatrists while he held Jaycee Lee Dugard captive for 18 years, California records show. \"His prognosis is excellent,\" one wrote in 1997. \"I do not suspect he will ever be at risk for violence.\" Dugard was kidnapped by Garrido and his wife, Nancy, in 1991 and freed in 2009. Garrido was on parole for a previous rape and kidnap conviction. Both are now in prison for the rest of their lives. \"Law enforcement failed to see Phillip Garrido for what and who he truly is: evil,\" declares a report issued Tuesday by El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson. More than a dozen times, Garrido submitted watered-down urine samples, the report states. When he tested positive for amphetamines, no action was taken. A marijuana arrest in 1993 put him in jail for only a month. Since the Garridos pleaded guilty and there was no trial, there are \"lingering unanswered questions,\" Pierson said.