Racial hatred could lead to someone trying to kill U.S. President Obama, fiery Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan warned in a sermon. During the Nation of Islam\'s annual observance of Saviors\' Day Sunday, Farrakhan spoke of Satan\'s influence over racist forces and asked, \"Do you think they\'re wicked enough to be plotting our brother\'s assassination as we speak?\" the Chicago Tribune reported. Farrakhan criticized U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks were a government-planned ruse for war in the Middle East. He also spoke on a topic that has drawn controversy in the past -- the influence of Jews in politics and media, the Tribune said. Farrakhan said there were distinctions between people he characterized as noble Jews and followers of \"the synagogue of Satan,\" citing a Jewish magazine publisher who suggested Israeli military could help preserve Israel by killing Obama. \"Jewish people were not the origin of Hollywood but they took it over,\" he said, blaming the entertainment industry for a decline in morality in the United States. Farrakhan criticized mothers who feed their children fast-food. He chided conservatives for questioning Obama\'s citizenship, and he criticized the president for his support of efforts to remove Middle Eastern leaders and warned him against any potential military action in Iran. Farrakhan said the U.S. debt was unsustainable and criticized Obama\'s comment that the country wasn\'t on the decline. \"America is on her deathbed,\" Farrakhan said. \"The vital signs of America are not good.\"