FBI agents arrest suspect plotting terrorist attacks in U.S. A 26 year-old man suspected of plotting terrorist attacks on the U.S. Capitol Hill and the Pentagon was arrested in an FBI undercover operation, Fox News TV channel reported. Rezwan Ferdaus from Ashland, Massachusetts, was arrested on Wednesday in the town of Framingham. He planned to blow up the U.S. Capitol Building and the Pentagon using a large remote-controlled aircraft loaded with explosives. FBI undercover agents arrested Ferdaus after bringing him weapons and explosives that he intended to buy and use in his planned terrorist attacks. \"The stash included what he thought was 25 pounds of C-4 explosives, as well as three grenades and six fully-automatic AK-47 assault [rifles],\" the newspaper said quoting a press release from the Department of Justice. \"In recorded conversations, Ferdaus said he planned to attack the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol using aircraft similar to \'small drone airplanes\' that were guided by GPS equipment,\" the press release added.