Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar briefed Russia and China on the NATO strike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, state media reported. Khar spoke to her counterparts, Sergey Lavrov of Russia and Yang Jiechi of China, to inform them on \"the unprovoked NATO/ISAF attack on Pakistani territory and the decisions taken by the Defense Committee of the Cabinet,\" the state-run Associated Press of Pakistan said. Khar said the attacks are a gross violation of established international norms and pose a threat to regional peace and stability, the report said. Lavrov expressed sympathy for the loss of lives and injury and understanding of Pakistan\'s position, the Pakistani government said. He stressed the need for NATO to investigate the incident. China\'s Yang Jiechi, while expressing deep shock and strong concern over the incident, was quoted as saying Pakistan\'s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected. China\'s official Xinhua news agency said Yang in his 40-minute telephone conversation told Khar China will consistently support Pakistan\'s efforts in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.