Public Security Police Chief of Sistan-o-Balouchestan Province said here Monday a fugitive hostage taker was identified and arrested in Zahedan two years after hostage taking. General Mas’oud Heydari added, “Two years ago hostage takers kidnapped a famous Zahedani merchant and transferred him to a neighboring country, asking his relatives for a high ransom.”  According to IRNA, General Heydari added, “Following that hostage taking a vast research for arresting the hostage takers and freeing the hostage was launched and the hostage takers released their hostage after receiving the demanded ransom money.”  He further elaborated, “Further efforts made by the police forces led to arresting a number of armed bandits involved in the hostage taking in the course of a number of police force operations.”  The regional disciplinary force commander added, “Further completing their investigation, the officers managed to identify another hostage take involved in that case who use to be a fugitive for two years following the incidence and to arrest him in the course of a surprise operation at Rasouli Intersection of Zahedan on Monday.”  Heydari said, “The arrested culprit would be handed in to the judiciary officials after the completion of his file.”  General Heydari had earlier this month told IRNA that nowhere in the province is safe for the intruders of the people’s rights and disturbers of their security.