President Barack Obama \"inherited a weak economy\" from a Republican administration, but isn\'t making it better, Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., said Saturday. In the party\'s weekly media address, Toomey said the president\'s Democratic strategies had made a bad situation worse. \"President Obama inherited a weak economy, but by nearly every measure, he has made the economy worse,\" Toomey said. \"Over two years ago, his administration told us that passing his $787 billion stimulus bill would keep unemployment below 8 percent. \"Instead, since the stimulus was enacted, our economy has lost more than 1.3 million jobs and the unemployment rate has averaged over 9 percent.\" Toomey is one of three Republican senators in a so-called super committee evenly divided by party, charged with devising an economic plan for the United States to cut $1.5 billion from the federal budget and control national debt. There are six senators and six House members on the committee, which is to present a plan to Congress in the fall. Under last-minute legislation earlier this month, default spending cuts will kick in if the committee\'s recommendations aren\'t approved. Toomey, a freshman to the upper chamber, said he was \"very optimistic\" about a turnaround. \"Americans are still the hardest working, most industrious, and innovative, most entrepreneurial people in the world,\" he said.