Ravi and Deepa believed they\'d lived life to the fullest and that it was time to diePanaji: A 39-year-old techie working for a Florida-based company and his wife hanged themselves in their flat here, saying they were committing suicide because they had \"lived a very eventful and happy life together\", police said on Saturday.Police had to break down the door of their flat at Merces on the outskirts of Panaji after neighbours noticed the stench coming from the house. The couple hanged themselves on Thursday from two nooses suspended from a ceiling hook, police said.A suicide note addressed to \"whomsoever concerned\" by the couple — Anand and Deepa Ranthideva, 36 — said they were ending their lives because they had \"lived a very eventful and happy life together\".The note also went on to say that Ravi and Deepa believed in the philosophy that their life belonged to them alone and they \"had the right to choose death as much as they had the right to live\" and they had travelled the world, made money and lived life to the fullest.Police inspector F.X. Corte said they also found a will which listed down the couple\'s properties with instructions on who among their family and friends will inherit their possessions. \"We have done our basic enquiries. Anand originally hailed from Tamil Nadu and worked for a US-based software firm called Talisma. He was in India for a while now. His wife was from Bengaluru,\" Corte said.When asked if police would take the contents of the suicide note at face value, the official said they would conduct their own enquiries into the deaths.