New Delhi, Oct 5, IRNA -- Observing that South Asian region will remain a security challenge in the near future, Indian Air Force (IAF Chief), Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne said increasing presence of China in Kashmir and Sri Lanka warrants this country\'s \'attention\'. \'China’s increased presence in our neighbourhood, be it in Kashmir, Sri Lanka or the South East Asian countries warrants attention,\' he said.  Analysing the situation in neighbouring Pakistan, the IAF chief said it \'continues to reel under relentless terrorist violence and stabilisation of internal security situation appears a distant dream.\'  Noting that South Asia will remain a global security challenge for some time to come, the IAF chief said, \'we need to monitor the situation very closely so as to be ready for all contingencies.\'  The IAF Chief was talking to defence journal FORCE ahead of the Air Force Day on October 8, pti reported. Browne said that the \'changing geo-political alignments in the South Asian region warrant close monitoring as it is characterised by turmoil and instabilities, as people attempt to determine and reshape their destinies.\'  Pointing out that the situation in Afghanistan was \'volatile\', he said the planned draw-down of coalition forces in the future and the consequent emergence of new power centres will further exacerbate the situation.