India and Australia have agreed to boost trade and security cooperation among countries in the Indian Ocean region, reported Indo-Asian News Service Thursday. India and Australia view the Indian Ocean as a potential area for greater cooperation among the countries of the region, said Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna weeks before India assumes the chair of the 18-nation Indian Ocean Rim - Association for Regional Cooperation (IOR-ARC), according to the report. Krishna made the statement after holding talks with Australian officials in Perth Wednesday. Australia will also take over as the vice-chair of this crucial regional association. \"We have to work closely together to realize the potential of IOR-ARC and also to transform it into an active and vibrant forum, \" Krishna was quoted as saying. He also said the southern Indian city Bangalore will host the 11th IOR-ARC Council of Ministers Meeting later this year. The IOR-ARC includes countries stretching from South Africa in the west to Australia in the east. China, Japan, Egypt, France and Britain have the status of dialogue partners in the grouping.