Three friends demanded a ransom from the family of an Indian engineer after they had killed him, police in New Delhi said Friday. Investigators said Johny Gupta, 23, was lured to a godown or warehouse Tuesday night, where he was strangled, the Press Trust of India reported. Police Commissioner R.S. Krishnaiah, said Gupta\'s body was buried under the floor, packed in salt to hasten decomposition. Anoop Kumar, 21, a marketing executive, Avinash Kumar, 36, the owner of the warehouse, and a driver, Anil Kumar, 26, have all been arrested, The Hindustan Times said. Krishnaiah said Anoop was arrested within a day and admitted the killing under questioning by police, PTI said. Investigators said Anoon knew, as a friend, that Gupta\'s father had recently made a lot of money on a land deal. Gupta\'s family reported getting a single ransom call Tuesday night demanding 10 million rupees (almost $200,000).