Six suspected Indian Mujahideen operatives, including a Pakistani national, were arrested from across the country Wednesday due to their alleged involvement in several blast cases, reported local media. With these arrests, investigators claimed to have solved several blast cases, including the German Bakery case in Pune, western India, Chinnaswamy Stadium blast in Bangalore, southern India and the Jama Masjid shooting case in Old Delhi, all in 2010. The local daily The Times of India quoted sources as saying the arrests were made in the past couple of days following investigations in Chennai, southern India. Mohammad Siddiqui was arrested by the Delhi Police from Pakistan. A member, Gaffar Aziz, was held in Delhi. Two other operatives Jameel and Azmal were arrested from Madhubani. Abdul and Irshad Khan were arrested from Chennai, said the reports. Police are still on the lookout for the leader, the India operation head of terror group - Imran, according to the reports. Police said the modus operandi of the group was that they always operated in groups of twos. The Jama Masjid shooting was an exception, where there were three terrorists on the spot.