In the biggest catch of the year, heroin worth Rs 135 crore in the international market was seized on the Indo-Pak border here by Border Security Forces (BSF) personnel who foiled the attempt of Pakistani smugglers to cross over to India. \'A patrolling party of the Border Security Force (BSF) late last night foiled an infiltration attempt from Pakistani side and seized 27 kg of the narcotic, valued at Rs 135 crore in the international black market, on the border near Attari,\' pti reported quoting BSF Inspector Pawan Chowdry. \'It is for the first time this year that a narcotic drug in such a huge quantity smuggled into the country was seized,\' he said. Chowdry said the Pakistani smugglers had trespassed into Indian territory after which the BSF patrolling party opened fire. As a result, the Pakistani smugglers returned to their territory. However, the smugglers left the consignment of heroin which they were carrying to deliver in India on this side of the border, which was recovered by the BSF, he said. Earlier on October 4, the BSF has seized 15 kg heroin here worth Rs 75 crore in the international black market.