In an attempt to pre-empt his plans to observe indefinite hunger strike, the Delhi Police arrested India\'s noted anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare on Tuesday morning. The Police picked him from his residence even before he could step out for his hunger strike venue. The issue of Anna Hazare\'s arrest rocked the Indian Parliament even as the Opposition parties alleged high-handedness by the Delhi Police and offered to submit an adjournment motion against the Government amid pandemonium. Anna Hazare had planned to observe fast-unto-death from today in protest against widespread corruption in the country, and for his demand to set up a Lokpal (Ombudsman) who could look into corruption complaints against one and all, including the Prime Minister and the judiciary. However, the Delhi Police had refused him permission to observe fast citing possibility of law and order problems. TV footage showed that Anna\'s house was in a ransacked position with things strewn around. According to the TV reports, the Police arrested him in haste without giving him enough time to react. Immediately after Anna was taken into custody, hundreds of his followers ensured that the car in which he was put could barely move for over an hour. Later, they followed the car till the detention place where Anna was taken to. Such has been the public response to Anna\'s arrest that after learning about it, office-goers were shown by TV reports saying that they would not be attending office today and would join Anna\'s agitation. The Delhi Police have imposed prohibitory orders at several places in the Indian Capital according to which not more than four people can gather at any one given place. Meanwhile, in a video-message recorded ahead of his anticipated arrest, Anna Hazare appealed to the public at large to participate in peaceful agitation and court arrest. \"My dear countrymen, second freedom struggle has begun and now I have also been arrested. But, will this movement be stopped by my arrest. No not at all. Don\'t let it happen,\" he said in his video message. He added, \"Time has come my countrymen when there should be no place left in jails in India to accommodate any more persons. I once again request my fellow countrymen that peace should be maintained and there must be no violence. Millions of people have joined this movement and second line of leaders is standing to lead this movement.\"