Indonesia extinguished forest fire in Sumatra Island to support the 26th Southeast Asia Games in South Sumatra provincial capital city of Palembang, one of the venues aside of Jakarta, an official said here on Saturday. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, head of Information and Public Relation at the National Agency of Disaster Management (BNPB), said in a statement that his office has conducted a fire extinguishing and rain making operation. The aerial operation was conducted with artificial rain and water bombing. \"Two rain making version-CASA 212-200 planes were operated across Palembang to drop rain in regions that still have hot sports. For water bombing, BNPB deployed two BO 105 helicopters. The operation was centered at Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin airport in Palembang,\" he said. Nugroho added that the artificial rain and water bombing are needed to extinguish underground hotspots. He also said that for land operation, his office has deployed fire fighter and made fire separating lines, among others. He said that the government of South Sumatra province was urged to keep socializing people and businessmen about the importance of not clearing land for agriculture and plantation by burning forest.