Riots have spread across the UK, with a third night of violence in London and unrest in other cities across the country. The International News Safety Institute is publishing its checklist for civil disturbances for those covering the violence. INSI advises all journalists covering civil disturbances to plan accordingly and take appropriate precautions. The International News Safety Institute advises journalists to plan in advance, establish pre-arranged contact points with the rest of their team (photographer, camera operator, producer, etc.) if they are separating; though were possible try and stay together and always carry press identification but conceal it if it attracts. The International News Safety Institute also urges journalists and reporters to bring a mobile phone with emergency numbers pre-set for speed dialing, position themselves upwind if there is a possibility that tear gas will be used, bring eye protection such as swimming goggles or industrial eye protection and carry first aid kits and know how to use them. The Institute also advises them to wear loose natural fabric clothing as this will not burn as readily as synthetic ones; remember there is always the possibility of gasoline bombs being exploded, carry a small backpack with enough food and water to last for a day in case you are unable to get out of the area , calling upon reporters not to be in crowded places as long as they can see what’s happening and if you are a photographer or camera operator, try to shoot from a higher vantage point.