Judiciary Chief Sadeq Larijani on Wednesday ordered to open a file on crimes perpetrated by the US Administration against Iranian and Muslim nations. Speaking in a session with senior officials of Judiciary, Ayatollah Larijani commissioned Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei, the prosecutor general and Mohammad Javad Larijani, the head of the Judiciary\'s Human Rights Commssion to pursue the case. “The American administration crimes against Occupy Wall Street movement activists, its support for crimes committed by US puppet regimes in the Muslim countries including Egypt and in the meantime advocating the crimes against Iranian nation committed by terrorist Mujahedeen Khalq Organization as well as Washington\'s crimes against Iranian revolutionaries before 1979 Islamic Revolution should be pursued and indicted,” Ayatollah Larijani said. Iran has been the victim of terrorism and US has always supported terrorist operations by MKO and other terrorist groups against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Judiciary chief added. “US scenario about Iran’s plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador to Washington is an illogical story that has been rejected and derided even by most American analysts. Muslim nations have trust in Iran Islamic ideals and assassination has no place in Islamic teachings; accusing other nations of terrorism and human right violations will not hide US criminal actions in Iraq and Afghanistan which account for crimes against humanity, causing divide the Shia and Sunni Muslims, undermining their united front against arrogant powers and their regional puppet regimes,” Larijani said. US officials claimed last Tuesday that Iran has tried a plot including an assassination attempt against the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Adel Al-Jubeir, with a bomb and subsequent bomb attacks on Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington. Bombings of the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, were also discussed, according to US officials. Iranian officials have strongly dismissed the US allegations as a fabricated scenario which is totally unfounded and described it as worn-out approaches which are based on the old hostile American-Zionist attempt to sow discord among Muslims. Referring to increasing US pressure against Islamic Republic of Iran, he noted that Iranian politicians and officials from different factions have a united front against any foreign pressure. “Recent report by UN Special rapporteur is an illegal and incredible report which is full of lies and reflects hostile views of Iranian opposition in exile and nothing more,” the Judiciary chief stated. He underscored that the politicized goal of ‘UN Human Rights’ Council for designation of a rapporteur on Iran to accuse Islamic Republic of human rights violation was quite clear from the beginning and this was the reason Tehran refused visa to Ahmed Shaheed. He made it clear that Iranian judiciary system works based on Islamic values and not western values.