Defense minister Brigadier Ahmad Vahidi said Monday that Russia should fulfil its previously made commitments on delivering the S-300 missiles to Iran. \'We still believe that the agreement should be implemented based on its articles and this is an independent matter which has nothing to do with other issues,\' stressed the minister. Speaking exclusively to IRNA about latest situation of the S-300s deal, he called on Russian officials to \'adopt an appropriate approach\' that would lead to the complete implementation of their agreement on S-300s delivery. Referring to the deployment of the missile shield system in Turkey, Vahidi said it was not to the benefit of the regional states and had no justification. \'We consider it as a very harmful move,\' stressed the brigadier. As for the latest maneuver staged by Iran’s Air Force, the minister said the military exercises have \'carried a message of peace, friendship and security.\' He further noted the wargames were held successfully indicating that the country’s Air Force \'is now at the peak of its power.”