Dubai: The Irish company SIS Group is making a pitch for the Middle East market… literally. Specialising in providing surfaces for sports arenas, the firm has won a $4.2 million (Dh15.4 million) contract to develop six fields at the new Basra Sports City complex in Iraq, and its first in the Middle East. That in turn has provided the platform for SIS to set up a regional office in Dubai. With the Iraq project on the fast track, the company is aiming to ramp up the momentum further. The revenue projections are for $7 million by 2013 and in the region of $20 million by 2016. Does it mean there are a slew of sports-related projects in the pipeline? \"At this stage as it is too early, however we intend to build a presence in the Middle East and are also looking to start our first project in Algeria soon,\" said George Mullan, CEO of SIS Group. \"The growth in football globally means that new markets are opening all the time.\" The company, which will also look out for sports-related projects out of Qatar, has a track-record which extends to both natural and synthetic turfs. \"Natural pitches in stadiums and clubs are replaced every few years so we have a market always in demand,\" said Mullan. \"We have a number of long-term high-profile clients who we replace pitches for, including Real Madrid.\" For the Iraq project, it will develop the main pitch at the new 65,000-seat stadium, a second one for a smaller stadium, and four training pitches. These will be used for the 2013 Gulf Cup which will be hosted by Iraq. Strongest results \"With large-scale developments taking place in the region both in the landscape and sporting arena, governments and corporations know that they can trust us to deliver consistently,\" said Mullan. Does the move into the Middle East mean its home markets have been going off the boil? No, Mullan said. \"In fact we have grown in [our] home market; our UK company will deliver its strongest results this year with both of our companies delivering over budget sales and profits,\" said Mullan. \"In fact SIS Group Ireland Ltd — founded in 2001 and with 80 employees now — has never had borrowings and the estimated 2012 turnover is €37 million.\" Last year\'s turnover was €25 million. Now, with the Middle East projects starting to appear on its order books, the company can expect some heavy running.