Israel is actively targeting German schools for indoctrination amid its worsening public image in Germany, according to a report published by the German-based news website Palaestina Portal. It quoted \'reliable sources\' as saying that the Israeli embassy had reportedly asked the education ministers of Germany\'s 16 states to have access to classrooms to explain and justify its controversial policies. Several German states have refused the Israeli request, however the north German state of Bremen, widely viewed as the most ardent supporter of the Zionist regime, has given the go ahead for such brainwashing sessions. The latest Israeli propaganada campaign comes as more and more younger Germans, especially those of Turkish and Arab origin, have been extremely criticial of the policies of the illegal Jewish state. Most Germans regard the Zionist regime as one of the greatest threats to global peace, especially in the wake of the Israeli wars in Lebanon in 2006 and Gaza in 2008/9. They also strongly oppose Israel\'s massive human rights violations and racial policies in occupied Palestine. The Israeli diplomatic mission has also been targeting especially younger German journalists as part of its efforts to restore its woeful public image by inviting them to Israel. Germany\'s largest publishing house, Axel Springer which owns several newspapers, including the top-selling daily Bild, is pursuing an openly pro-Israeli editorial line. Meanwhile, a number of German media representatives have also complained they have been pressured by the Israeli embassy not to write articles criticial of the Zionist regime.