Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Monday that the country will overcome the March 11 disaster and recover just as it did after World War II. Kan made the remarks at a ceremony in Tokyo marking the 66th anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender. "Our country was rebuilt from the ruins after the devastating war because of each citizen's efforts," Kan said at Budokan indoor arena, where the ceremony was held, "and given these experiences, we will certainly recover from the disaster this time." The anniversary came when Japan was struggling to recover from the earthquake and tsunami which ravaged its northeast coast and triggered a nuclear crisis at the Fukushima plant. Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko also attended the ceremony. "I remember the history and ardently pray that the tragedy of war will never be repeated," the emperor addressed more than 6,000 guests. "Together with all the people, I express my heartfelt sorrow for those lost in the war and pray for world peace and the country 's continued prosperity," he said. After the event, Kan and his cabinet ministers skipped the Yasukuni Shrine, which is seen as a symbol of Japan's military past.