Japan\'\'s new Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has visited the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant for the first time since taking office last week. Noda arrived at a nearby sports facility serving as the government\'\'s local disaster headquarters Thursday morning, Japan\'\'s NHK website reported. Noda met Self-Defense Forces personnel working there. He told them that as chief of the Self-Defense Forces he is proud that their efforts to cool the reactors and decontaminate areas with high radiation have been highly appreciated by the public. SDF personnel said they were much encouraged. Then, Noda visited the Fukushima Daiichi power plant and inspected the damaged buildings. Officials briefed him on the crippled nuclear reactors and efforts to bring the crisis under control. Later, Noda will visit areas near the nuclear power plant where radiation levels remain high, and a primary school in Date City where work to decontaminate soil is underway. The Noda government said it is prioritizing efforts to speed reconstruction of areas devastated by the March 11th quake and tsunami, and to put an end to the nuclear crisis.