Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., Saturday criticized the Democratic Senate for not passing a budget in three years. \"It has been over three years since the Senate passed a budget,\" Johnson said in the weekly Republican media address. \"Think about that. Even though families and most businesses produce budgets to help control their finances, the largest financial entity in the world is operating without one. \"Why? Because Democrats in the Senate refuse to be held accountable. They either don\'t have a plan, or they simply do not want their fingerprints on one. Maybe that\'s because their plans generally rely on taking more money out of the pockets of hard-working American families.\" Johnson said he has served 16 months in \"Sen. Harry Reid\'s do-nothing Senate,\" speaking of the Senate majority leader. Americans, Johnson said, are \"facing enormous economic challenges and they\'re looking for solutions, not political games.\" Johnson said under President Barack Obama, average gasoline prices have more than doubled, the nation\'s debt has increased by $5.3 trillion and unemployment has not fallen below 8 percent. \"Instead of concentrating on job creation, President Obama has concentrated on growing government and increasing its control over our lives,\" Johnson said.