A British judge whose job was already at risk because of her dogs\' behavior -- and her own -- was arrested Monday when one of her German shepherds bit a man. Beatrice Bolton, 57, was freed on bail, The Independent reported. The dogs were taken into custody. She was walking her two dogs when one of them attacked a passing 22-year-old, biting him on the leg. Bolton, a senior judge on the Crown Court in Newcastle, was fined 2,500 pounds (almost $4,000) last year when one off her dogs bit a 20-year-old neighbor in Rothbury, Northumberland. \"I\'ll never set foot in a court again,\" she said after storming out of magistrate\'s court in Carlisle, calling the hearing a \"f--king travesty.\" Letter carriers stopped delivering her mail in April after one was bitten. Bolton apologized for her courtroom outburst but has not presided as a judge since then. The case has been referred to the Office of Judicial Complaints. After last year\'s hearing, her neighbors John and Anne Malia, parents of the young man who was bitten, called Bolton \"the neighbor from hell.\"