The Kenyan government on Thursday ruled out talks with Somalia\'s militant group, Al-Shabaab, which has reportedly been seeking negotiations with Nairobi as amid military operation in the lawless nation. Government Spokesman Dr.Alfred Mutua said there was no plans within the government to start negotiations with Al-Shabaab which has warned to bring the flames of war into Kenya and bring down the skyscrapers of Nairobi. \"There are no plans within the government to negotiate with Al- Shabaab. Kenya does not negotiate with terror gangs,\" Mutua told journalists in Nairobi. The government\'s position comes after CNN quoted a senior Kenyan official as saying that Al-Shabaab leaders were seeking negotiations as the nation pursues the Islamist militants deeper into Somalia. \"They want to talk,\" the official, who did not want to be named because he is not authorized to talk to the media, told CNN. But Mutua said the Somali militia presents clear and present danger to the security of the world and especially of the East Africa region, noting that the war on terror cannot be won without dismantling the group\'s power. \"As far as we are concerned Al-Shabaab are running scared, helter shelter. Al-Shabaab is a terror organization that has made it impossible for there to be peace and stability in Somalia,\" Mutua said.