A Kenyan army spokesman said large movements of loaded donkeys along the Somali border will be considered al-Shabaab activity that includes weapons transport. \"Information reaching us confirms that al-Shabaab has resorted to using donkeys to transport their weapons,\" Maj. Emmanuel Chirchir said Thursday on Twitter. \"The locals use donkeys to fetch water for domestic use, however, due to the heavy rains water fetching is not feasible. Thus, any large concentration and movement of loaded donkeys will be considered as al-Shabaab activity,\" Chirchir said in a series of tweets. \"In addition we are also reliably informed that the cost of donkeys has risen from $150 to $200 for a donkey. Kenyans dealing in donkey trade along the Kenya-Somali border are advised not to sell their animals to al-Shabaab. Selling Donkeys to al-Shabaab will undermine our efforts in Somalia,\" Chirchir said. Chirchir Tuesday warned residents of 10 Somali towns near al-Shabaab camps to leave, saying the camps would be attacked. However, no attacks have yet occurred, the BBC reported Thursday. Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida affiliate, is fighting the weak U.N.-supported government of Somalia for control of the capital, Mogadishu, and other areas.