Freed US student Amanda Knox\'s family has invited her former Italian boyfriend and his family to visit them in the United States, her father said. The 24-year-old, who flew home Tuesday after being acquitted of murder and sexual assault which saw her jailed for four years, is adjusting well back in Seattle and wants to resume her studies, he said. \"She\'s actually doing remarkably well. You know, it\'s almost like she hasn\'t missed a beat with the family. That\'s been really nice to see,\" Curt Knox told CNN. A court in Perugia on Monday freed both Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito after acquitting them over the gruesome 2007 killing of British student Meredith Kercher. Knox\'s father said the pair -- who were shown kissing shortly after the murder, in a widely-played video -- had sent mail back and forth to each other while they were in prison in Italy, separately. \"They have stayed in contact,\" he said, adding: \"The Sollecito family were invited to come to Seattle. Raffaele is going through the same thing that Amanda is right now and really needs to get reconnected. \"I think at some point they may come over and that would be really nice to see,\" he said. But he said it was probably too early for Knox to contact the Kercher family, who have been put back to square one by this week\'s acquittals, with no answer over who killed their daughter. \"I think right now, it\'s a little bit premature. The Kerchers are still trying to work through the whole verdict and so forth. Hopefully in the long run, they will see that really the truth is Amanda and Raffaele had nothing to do with the death of Meredith. \"As they hopefully get there and are allowed closure with this horrific crime and the loss of their daughter, they\'ll be able to really recognize that Amanda and Raffaele had nothing to do with it,\" he added. While Knox is keeping a low profile with her family at the moment, experts say she could make millions of dollars by selling her story either by writing a book, or by selling the TV or film rights. Her father said Knox plans to use her experience to help people facing similar plights to hers, although she also wants to resume her studies -- she was in Italy as part of a language course. \"I think at some point down the road, she will be some type of activist for wrongfully convicted people,\" he said, adding that she \"definitely wants to finish her degree through the University of Washington.\"