The makeup of Kyrgyzstan\'s current ruling coalition might be changed, Social Democratic leader and coalition member Chynybai Tursunbekov said Thursday. The Social Democratic party might be asked to form a new coalition after its leader, Prime Minister Almazbek Atambayev, won the presidential election on Oct. 30, Tursunbekov said. \"The future coalition must be constructive, and the involvement of the four factions should provide stability which the former tri-party coalition failed to ensure,\" he said. There are five parties in the Kyrgyz parliament. Three of them -- the Social Democrats, Respublika and Ata Zhurt -- form the current ruling coalition, while Ata Meken and Ar Namys are the opposition parties. Parliament sources say Ata Zhurt may end up out of the coalition because the Social Democratic Party and Respublika think it \"does not contribute to stability but constantly incites the (other) coalition (members).\"