Isobel Jones-Reilly Brian Dodgeon admitted four drugs charges following the death of Isobel Jones-Reilly at his home in April A lecturer has pleaded guilty to four counts of drug possession after the death of a teenager during a party at his home in west London. Brian Dodgeon, who is 61 and a research fellow at the University of London, was charged after the death of Isobel Jones-Reilly in April. The 15-year-old, a friend of Dodgeon\'s daughter, fell ill at his home in Barlby Road, north Kensington. Dodgeon appeared at West London Magistrates\' Court in Hammersmith. He has been suspended from his job on full pay. He admitted possessing the drugs including ecstasy, LSD and ketamine. Isobel, who lived in Ramsay Road, Acton, died in hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest at the party.