An early morning protest was staged in London Tuesday to coincide with confirmation that train fares will increase next year by a further 8 percent under government policy. “The government that promised us fair fares when it came to power is planning the highest fare rises in a generation, and failing to tackle overcrowding. That\'s not smart, it\'s not green, and it\'s definitely not fair,” said Fair Fares Now. “We already have some of the most expensive train fares in the world, and each January we are faced with astronomical fare hikes,” the campaign group said. Under government\'s agenda to reduce subsidies to Britain\'s privatised rail network, train fares are set to increase by 3 per cent more than the Retail Price Index of annual inflation for July, which was confirmed to have remained at 5 percent. The protest, part of a series planned for the summer by Fair Fares Now, was held outside Waterloo Station with placards, banners, speeches and what the organisers described as “plenty of outrage.” Giant balloons were also popped during the demonstration to show that “it’s time to burst the bubble on inflation-busting fare hikes.” The key message to the government was: “Affordable public transport is vital – cancel the fare hikes and don’t price people off the train!” Fair Fares Now was launched by the Campaign for Better Transport in January and has since gained widespread support from trade unions, environmental groups, parents, pensioners and at least 65 MPs.