London authorities said Wednesday they have served eviction notices on anti-capitalist protesters camped outside St Paul\'s Cathedral, telling them to pack up within 24 hours. \"We can confirm that this step has happened,\" a spokesman for the City of London Corporation told AFP when asked whether the notices had been served, after a similar New York protest camp was torn down by police this week. The corporation, which is the local authority for London\'s financial district, had announced on Tuesday that it was restarting legal action against the protesters, having earlier halted it for two weeks. It said in a statement that it would serve a \"notice to those with tents and equipment on the highway near St Paul\'s asking them to move these items within 24 hours\", and that it would take them to the High Court if they refused. The protesters confirmed that they had received the eviction notices. \"We have been given notices. Our legal team is in place to consider what the Corporation of London says\", Ronan McNeor, one of the spokesmen for the Occupy London Stock Exchange protest movement, told AFP. The protest camp consisting of dozens of tents has been pitched outside historic St Paul\'s since October 15.