A Filipino technical assistant on Monday denied embezzling 30kg of gold filings worth Dhs4,003,535 from his workplace at a gold refining company in Dubai. He was arrested on Sept.19 last year as the suspect RR, 33, had continued stealing gold filings during his two-year work period, prosecutors told the Dubai Criminal Court. However, RR strongly defended himself arguing that he did not steal gold worth the aforementioned amount. “The chargesheet claims more than I took,” RR told Judge Hamad Abdul Jawwad, “I just took a little of it.  It could not amount to millions as mentioned.” Prosecutors requested the panel to impose the toughest punishment on RR. The verdict has been set for April 16. Meanwhile, as per records in court a Sudanese general manager at the company MH, 55, revealed that after reviewing the company’s jewellery inventory a deficit of 30kg of gold was detected. MM added that RR worked inside the gold refinery section. It was discovered that “RR used to disappear with gold filings by carrying them inside his lunchbox.” Besides, an Emirati Warrant Officer, AJ, 33, said RR’s arrest came after police received information about a Filipino selling stolen gold to a jewellery shop. RR was reportedly nabbed rushing out of the shop after the shop’s gold dealer S notified him that the police was pursuing him. “He had a plastic bag containing gold filings that he admitted to have stolen from the company,” AJ said. “In at least seven incidents, RR had hidden the filings inside meals before selling them to S,” AJ quoted RR. Records show that officers headed to RR’s apartment where he confessed to have bought a number of items using the stolen gold. Various receipts were reportedly seized from the apartment. However, S denied complicity claiming that RR had deceived him by saying that he had brought jewellery and filings from the Philippines.