Riot police moved into a Boston square early Tuesday, arresting up to 100 people and breaking up a protest inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Boston Globe reported. The newspaper said some 200 riot police surrounded the square shortly after midnight and ordered the protestors to disperse. When they refused, police moved in, shoved them to the ground, handcuffed them and dragged them off. The protestors chanted: \"The people united will never be defeated,\" \"This is a peaceful protest,\" and \"The whole world is watching,\" according to the Globe. The newspaper cited police as saying that one officer was punched in the face, but that no protestors or police were wounded. The Boston police could not immediately be reached for comment. Since the first group of ragtag activists camped out in New York, growing demonstrations have been held in several American cities to protest against corporate greed and Wall Street\'s alleged stranglehold on American politics. But more than three weeks into the 24-hour-a-day protests, the demonstrators resolutely refuse to name any concrete goal. Their website at states: \"the one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.\"