Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Friday called corruption \"one of the most dangerous and most serious problems\" in the country. RIA Novosti reported Medvedev, at a news conference with regional journalists, was asked to comment on the old saying \"Russia has two woes -- fools and roads,\" attributed to 19th-century Russian novelist Nikolai Gogol. \"You won\'t believe me if I say that it has changed,\" Medvedev said. \"Those two problems persist. \"Speaking about other misfortunes, I would like to mention another problem, which is also purely historical,\" Medvedev said. \"Corruption remains one of the most dangerous and most serious problems of our society.\" He said corruption in Russia has \"persisted for centuries and is yet to be solved.\" But he said he was \"not ashamed of our efforts\" against corruption. \"For the first time ever, we have laid down anti-corruption legislation,\" Medvedev said.