Russia has completed tests of its newest Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles and is to deploy the missile with the navy, President Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday. \"Despite the problems remaining in the rocket-space industry, we have made a very important step in these days, as we completed the tests of the modern sea-based strategic nuclear system,\" Medvedev told a meeting of high-ranking military officers. \"Now, it will be put into service,\" he added. The president, who is also the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces, recalled the tests of the new missile have been mired in certain problems, which postponed the Bulava\'s entering of service that was initially scheduled for 2006-2007. \"Still, the Russian industry has proved it has been capable of creating the new up-to-date highly efficient strategic weapons,\" Medvedev said. Last Friday, Russia successfully tested two Bulava missiles, the Bulava\'s 18th test launch and its first salvo launch. Only 10 of the missile\'s previous 17 launches were successful. The Bulava, which is expected to become Russia\'s main naval strategic missile until 2040-45, is capable of carrying 10 warheads with a range of 8,000 km.