President Bashar al-Assad sent a message on Monday to Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, conveyed by Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad. President Ould Abdel Aziz stressed that his country is interested that Syria remain strong to overcome the conspiracy against it, voicing satisfaction over the reform process led by President al-Assad at all levels. The Mauritanian President underlined the importance of consolidating bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries in the interests of the Syrian and Mauritanian peoples, stressing the significance of coordinating efforts to confront challenges facing the Arab countries. For his part, Dr. Mikdad reviewed during the meeting the events in Syria over the past months, due to a media and political campaign aimed at weakening Syria and undermining its national and pan-Arab stances and internal achievements. Dr. Mikdad added that Syria managed to stand up to that ferocious campaign thanks to the awareness of the Syrian people and the national unity and support to the comprehensive reforms. The meeting was attended by the Syrian ambassador to Mauritania.