Continual heavy rains in the recent few days causing large-scale floods in Vietnam\'s central provinces killed at least 22 and made another two missing as of Wednesday, according to updated report by the local Storm and Flood Control Center (SFCC). Heavy rain poured down Quang Binh and Quang Nam provinces, with water level rising to 5- 15 mm on the average, while water from local rivers receded to the warning level 2, said the report. Floods also sunk three fishing boats and drifted another three in central Da Nang, and inundated more than 36,000 houses in Thua Thien-Hue province. About 30,000 people from Thua Thien-Hue and Quang Nam provinces were evacuated to safe areas. According to the Hydro-meteorology Forecast Center, the current tropical depression would cause strong winds and heavy rain over coastal central provinces, from Quang Tri to Quang Nam, as of Wednesday afternoon. The national SFCC issued an emergency message to instruct local authorities to update their residents about the floods and have plans to protect human and public work property.