Two separate mine explosions have hit a tension tower and some construction machinery in Myanmar\'s northern Kachin and southeastern Kayin states respectively over the weekend, official media reported Monday. The first mine blast hit machinery parked at Nankha village on Saturday where construction of the Myitkyina-Sumparabum-Putao Road is underway in Kachin state by the Public Works of the Construction Ministry, said the New Light of Myanmar.The explosion destroyed one roller, one excavator and one forklift. The second mine explosion on Sunday collapsed a tension tower of the 230-KV Lawpita-Toungoo national grid near Mawchaung village in Thandaunggyi township, Kayin state.The collapse of the tension tower has declined the power supply system by 70 megawatts.The authorities blamed unidentified insurgents for being responsible for the incidents.