An Oregon woman, lost for three days in the Mount Hood National Forest, is reported in serious condition after being rescued by Oregon's Army National Guard. A guard helicopter spotted Pamela Salant of Portland sitting on a log in Lindsey Creek Canyon, The (Portland) Oregonian reported. Salant, 28, who may have broken her leg in a fall, was hoisted into the guard helicopter and taken directly to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center. She told rescuers she survived for three days by eating berries and drinking water from the creek. Salant was reported missing Sunday morning, nearly 24 hours after dropping her gear near Bear Lake on the slopes of Mount Defiance. Her boyfriend, Aric Essig, said he and Salant had separated to try to find a spot to camp overnight. The nursery school teacher wasn't dressed or equipped to spend the night in some of the most rugged terrain in the Mount Hood National Forest, the Oregonian said.