More than 200 Cambodians have died in the past two months from heavy rainfall that has topped many villages and farms, causing heavy material losses. According to local news agencies, Vietnam also announced the demise of 24 people as result of flooding targeting Mekong Delta region, making seasonal flooding in three neighboring countries (Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia) reach, in terms of fatalities to more than 500 people due to the unprecedented heavy rains. In Cambodia it is considered the worst flooding in the country in more than a decade. The floods have waterlogged homes and lives of more than 270,000 families, destroying 350,000 hectares of paddy fields across the country, a local spokesman for the National Committee for Disaster Management said. Meanwhile, Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra described the situation in his country as \"extremely dangerous,\" while weather experts predict that flooding will reach the capital Bangkok.