Myanmar and Bangladesh have held the first ever bilateral meeting on prevention of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances here, official media reported Thursday. The bilateral meeting, which took place on Wednesday, was represented by Police Chief Kyaw Kyaw Tun on the Myanmar side and Director-General of National Narcotics Drug Control Department Khandker Mohammad Ali on the Bangladesh side, said the New Light of Myanmar. The meeting focused on cooperation in anti-narcotics campaign, joint investigation of drug dealers, exchange of information and joint probe of drug deal, the report added. Bangladesh is among Myanmar\'s neighboring countries with which it is cooperating in fight against drug trafficking. The others are Thailand, China and Laos. Myanmar\'s 15-year drug eradication plan (1999-2014) has now reached the second year of its third five-year drug elimination plan with measures being taken with added momentum including poppy plantations destruction and cracking down on drug trafficking. According to official statistics, in 2010, the authorities arrested 3,465 offenders in connection with 2,630 drug-related cases. Meanwhile, a total of 1,427 drug addicts from across the country were given treatment. Of them, 128 drug addicts were resettled in youth rehabilitation centers.