NATO-led (KFOR) forces acted Thursday morning in de-blocking roads in northern Kosovo barricaded by local Serbs since July. More than 20 local Serbs got injured during the KFOR ground operation in removing road barricades established by Serbs in an opposition to Pristina authority. Head of health center in Zubin Potok, Borivoje Jaksic, said three people are seriously injured, while 22 others are released after a medical check. KFOR authorities said they\'ve successfully removed some barricades but were forced to use tear gas to disperse Serbs opposing peacekeepers\' operation. The EU Rule of law mission (EULEX), which also took part in the operation, said the aim is to reestablish the freedom of movement in that part of the territory. Thursday\'s action follows a numerous warning by the Alliance to local Serbs claiming the freedom of movement must be established. In a joint statement, head of three Serb-dominated municipalities in northern Kosovo condemned KFOR operation describing it \"a violent action against civil people\". \"We ask for a current return of all KFOR units south of river Ibar in order to ease tensions and refrain from further escalation of the crises\" said their statement. Situation in northern Kosovo escalated in July following Pristina\'s temptation to take control of two crossings with Serbia with the aim to implementing reciprocity trade measures with Belgrade. In response to their action, local Serbs, which oppose Kosovo\'s independence, barricaded the roads and set on fire a crossing point.