Former Ukrainian Prime Minster Yulia Tymoshenko will not avoid a conviction for abuse of office, a senior official said, despite introduction of a new law banning detention for economic crimes. Tymoshenko is currently on trial in Kiev over a 2009 gas deal with Russia that led to above-market gas prices for Ukraine. Prosecutors say the 50-year old did not have cabinet approval to sign the agreement and have asked for a sentence of seven years to be given to her. Last week, President Viktor Yanukovych proposed banning the detention of suspects charged with economic crimes, prompting speculation that Tymoshenko might escape imprisonment. Presidential aide Andriy Portnov said Article 365 of the Criminal Code on abuse of office \"will not be decriminalized\" under the proposed amendments. The proposal, which is subject to parliamentary approval, is aimed at \"improving the investment climate\" in the former Soviet republic, Portnov said. Tymoshenko, who has been remanded in custody for contempt of court since August 5, says the charges against her are politically motivated. The EU and United States have questioned the legitimacy of the one-time Orange Revolution leader\'s prosecution. The verdict is expected on October 11.