Prosecutors in California agreed to drop charges against a woman who fed bears on her property if she stays away from the animals for three years. The prosecutors said Lynne Gravier, 77, of Laytonville, who pleaded guilty Monday to a misdemeanor charge of feeding big game, will be cleared of the charge in three years if she abides by orders to cease feeding the black bears, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Wednesday. The California Department of Fish and Game said Gravier's home was condemned last year after she was found to have been feeding corn meal and peanut butter sandwiches to bears on her property. The department said Gravier also put out wading pools for the bears. "The end result to me was very positive," said Gravier, whose home was condemned following an Aug. 24, 2010, raid. "I'm glad that it is over and I can go on." Gravier, who authorities said will not be allowed to return to her home, said she will abide by the instructions of prosecutors but she plans to continue advocating for black bears.