A Philadelphia police officer who was responsible for handling prisoners\' property was charged Tuesday with stealing debit and credit cards.Investigators suggested Charles Jacoby, 30, stole from inmates who were aggressive or hard to deal with, the Philadelphia Daily News reported.The U.S. Attorney\'s Office filed a criminal information against Jacoby, suggesting he has negotiated a plea agreement, the newspaper said. Neither his lawyer nor the prosecutor assigned to the case would comment on the charges.Investigators said Jacoby, assigned as a cell-block officer in a precinct in economically depressed North Philadelphia, would use the cards to buy gas and other items at a convenience store and then get rid of them. The investigation began when a former prisoner complained about a missing card.The total amount Jacoby allegedly stole is believed to be less than $1,000, while he was making almost $60,000 a year in base salary. He is the 34th Philadelphia police officer to face criminal charges in about two years.