Cabinet Office minister Oliver Letwin has admitted dumping government documents in park bins near No 10. He was photographed by the Daily Mirror disposing of private letters and government papers over five days. The paper claims more than 100 were thrown away including correspondence on terrorism, national security and constituents\' private details. Mr Letwin acknowledged he sometimes disposed of copies of letters in the park but denied they were \"sensitive\". The minister, who is in charge of developing government policies, was seen in several separate images throwing paperwork in waste bins near Downing Street. On one occasion the West Dorset MP was captured handing documents to a cleaner holding a bag. \'Morning walks\' The Mirror claimed one document described how intelligence chiefs \"failed to get the truth\" on Britain\'s involvement in terrorist interrogations. It said Prime Minister David Cameron, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg and Chancellor George Osborne were all mentioned in the papers. Several letters were addressed to the commons intelligence and security committee, the paper added. The Mirror said the documents were disposed of during early morning walks before work in the summer. A cabinet office spokeswoman said: \"Oliver Letwin does some of his parliamentary and constituency correspondence in the park before going to work and sometimes disposes of copies of letters there. \"They are not documents of a sensitive nature.\"