A Pakistani daily on Tuesday said that US sponsored war against terror has been an utter failure. ‘The Nation’, in its editorial comments said to the constant shame of the Bush era’s hawkish strategists, no impartial historian would testify that their much-touted objective of waging the wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq i.e. to ensure security of the United States and its citizens, has been achieved. “For the US, the ten-year old unfinished war on terror it vaingloriously sponsored has been an utter failure; for the region where it is being waged, a story of death and destruction; and for the world as a whole, a source of pervasive insecurity”, it said. The newspaper said that the situation in Iraq is hardly any better and could flare up any time. It said that the claim of defeating al-Qaeda needs also to be weighed against the collapse of US economy as a result of more than $4 trillion the US has so far spent on the yet ongoing war, fulfilling Osama bin Laden’s dream of striking a lethal blow to its economic might. “Washington’s economic helplessness can be gauged from the view coming recently from China, the largest investor in US treasury bonds, that the international community should consider the proposal of supervising the printing of the US dollar!” ‘The Nation’ said.