A passenger ship was burned after collision with a tugboat in a river at South Kalimantan of Indonesia on Monday, killing four people, rescuers said. Marina Nusantara ship sailing from Surabaya city the capital of East Java toward Barjarmasin city of South Kalimantan collided with a tugboat carrying coal in Barito river of Banjarmasin city, head of Search and Rescue Office in South Kalimantan Rusliansyah told Xinhua by phone. \"Four people were killed,\" another rescuer at the scene Andi Zainudin told Xinhua by phone. According to the manifest, there were 443 passengers on the ship, the evacuation had been completed, he said.It had not been found out yet the number of crew and those went missing or suffering from injury as the evacuation had just completed, the rescuer said